Tuesday 6 September 2011


Motivation is generally defined as the driving force behind our actions, fueled by our desire for something. It is that internal strength that gets us to move, and take action, to whatever goal or end we desire or plan to achieve.

There are several different types of motivation, based on the goal or end that motivates us. But in the broadest sense, motivation can be categorized into two different types:
Our motivation results from our desire for something that is internallydriven; it is our intrinsic desire for something, and not related to anything outside of us. The very thought of getting to work and doing what you love, is what gets out of the bed in the morning.

Say you love the job you are doing. You want to learn what there could be about it, just for the reason that you could be the best you can be in that job. 

That is internal motivation.

Our motivation has an external stimulus; it results from our desire for something outside of us. Relating back to the same job example we have used earlier - let's say, your management or boss has decided to select one best performing employee, for a week long, all-expense-paid cruise trip to the Caribbean. Now, you may still work to be the best you can be in your job; but this time, you do it for a different reason. You do it because you want to be that best performing employee, that earns that Caribbean pleasure cruise from your employer. Your source of motivation is something outside of you - the cruise trip in this case. That is extrinsic motivation.For instance, if it is the pleasure of achievement that drives us, it is Achievement motivation; if it is the pressure of our society or peers that drives us, it is Social motivation; if it is an external reward that we want (as in the example above), it is Incentive motivation; if it is the fear or repercussion, it is Fear motivation, and so forth.